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Eyk as an alternative to (manual) Looker Studio?

See how Eyk compares

What is Looker Studio?

Looker Studio is Google's Business Intelligence (BI) or dashboarding tool and it's basic product is free to use.
We love the Google stack at Eyk and are convinced that it is the best stack to work in for e-commerce marketers and teams. If you want to work with Looker Studio for your business & performance insights though, you are facing some difficult and expensive challenges that you simply do not have to face anymore.

Here are some topics that we value a lot at Eyk and how they compare to (manual) Looker Studio:

Need for technical resources

Dashboarding or BI tools like Looker Studio offer a no-code way to visualize data, but they are only as good as the underlying data setup.

One way to approach this is to leverage Google's native connectors and add some third-party connectors for non-Google sources. But this means that each time you open a dashboard, those connectors will fetch the required data at that moment and that can cost a lot of time. In addition, you are never storing any data with this setup and limiting yourself when it comes to combining data from different sources or advanced datamodels.

A better way is to connect Looker Studio to a data warehouse like Bigquery, but this requires technical resources which are expensive and often difficult to find. That is why many consultancy companies offer services to set up and maintain your data warehouse for you, but they often charge steep fee's for custom work.

* All of the above does not even take into consideration your server-side tracking setup, which is a different skillset that you often need to procure in addition.

Custom vs. Ready-made

Although every business has their own, specific needs whe it comes to data & insights, we see that roughly 80% of needs for e-commerce businesses are the same. They all revolve around insight into customer acquisition costs and performance, Customer lifetime value and product- and creative performance.

Having these insights built for you custom is no longer needed, because at Eyk we have them ready-made and connected to your data in minutes.

Those 20% custom insights because of very specific processes, products or segments in yor business? Very important. That is why each Eyk insight comes with a 'customize' tab that allows you to launch Google Spreadsheets or Looker Studio tempates so yo can customize your insights in hours, not days.

Control your data

That is why at Eyk, we believe in standardising as much as possible, while setting you up with a platform that allows for quick, low cost custom dashboarding and data activation.

Every Eyk user automatically gets a dedicated Google Cloud Bigquery data warehouse where Eyk will load and store all of your data and perform the neccessary 'transforms' to join, re-structure and visualize your data into powerful insights.

If you have a need for other, custom reports or dashboards, you simply launch one of our Looker Studio or Google Sheets templates and will have a fully automated report ready in hours instead of days, without any need for code.

And if you ever decide to stop using Eyk, you just take your data warehouse with you and connect other tools to solve your data needs. We put you in control.

Compare Looker Studio to Eyk


Looker Studio

Server-side tracking functionality
Ready-made attribution insight you control
Ready-made performance insights
Ready-made customer segmentation (CLV, RFM)
Ready-made product & creative performance
Possibility to create custom dashboards to your needs
Freemium pricing model
Easy to use interface & user management for the entire team
Google Bigquery data warehouse you control
Pro-active support

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