🚀 Eyk server-side tracking & attribution now available!

Looking for an alternative to Elevar?

See how Eyk compares

Why Eyk might be a better fit than Elevar for Shopify brands

The DIY onboarding at Elevar might feel a bit overwhelming though and you might wonder how your tracking setup is actually performing or how you can attribute revenue to marketing channels.

That is where Eyk comes in.

Eyk is a full first-party tracking and analytics platform, offering guided server-side tracking and conversion api setup as well as first-party based attribution, performance insights and customer segmentation.

Here are some topics that we value at Eyk and how they compare to Elevar:

Hands-on onboarding

Unlike Elevar, at Eyk we have a hands-on approach during onboarding. Although the actions on your side are completely automated and no-code, we always have one of our tracking specialists walk you through the process and run through the setup to assure quality.

Put your data to work

Server-side tracking is just the start.

With a high quality server-side tracking setup, you are able to feed conversion data back to your marketing channels to educate the algorithms.

Moreover, where Elevar stops is where Eyk takes one more step to make your tracking & analytics setup truly first-party; storing your tracking data alongside your order & marketing data in a dedicated Google Cloud (Bigquery) environment you control access to.

Full customer journey insights

Most tracking & attribution tools are completely focused on the customer acquisition side of your business, providing insight into how you acquire new customers. But your business does not stop there, things are just getting started when you acquire a new customer.

Eyk connects actuisition insights like attribution, paid- and web performance, to customer and product segmentation like CLV Cohorts, product performance and RFM segmentation.

By connecting Customer Acquisition to Customer Lifetime Value, you get yourself a full customer journey overview and will know what your next best actions are to achieve your goals.

Compare Elevar to Eyk



Full server-side tracking
Tracking data stored first-party
Send conversion data back to channels
Custom tracking add-ons
Attribution insight you control
Performance insights
Customer segmentation (CLV, RFM)
Product & creative performance
Google Bigquery data warehouse you control
Hands-on onbaording & support

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