🚀 Eyk server-side tracking & attribution now available!

Tracking & analytics for modern
e-commerce brands

Track 99% of your customer journeys, completely future- & privacy proof
Align your team on performance and priorities through the Eyk cockpit
Gain deep, actionable insights into attribution, performance and segmentation
Easy to set up - No credit card required
paid performance dashboard
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trusted by

Trusted by 200+ modern brands

why eyk

Tracking & analytics is hard
when things are moving fast

Marketing insights
the old way
Tracking your customer journey through third-party pixels 
Marketing channels over-attributing revenue to their platform
Switching between 6-8 tools to get overview over the business
Spending hours to export CSV's and build reports
Your business data scattered across tools, not within your control
Marketing insights
with Eyk
Tracking your customer journey fully first-party & future proof
Attribute only real revenue in line with your strategy
One, easy to use cockpit for direct overview over the business
All your insights automatically refreshed every night
Your business data centralized within your control
ready made INSIGHTS

We already built the insights you need


Marketing analytics
done for you

Seamlessly connect

Connect to your e-commerce and marketing data in minutes.
Centralize your data all in one place without writing a single line of code.

Instant overview

Add the metrics that matter most to your e-commerce cockpit.
Start your workday with an up-to-date overview, each day.

Actionable insights

See something that needs your attention?
We already built the insights you need to deep-dive into attribution, performance and segmentation.

Connect your marketing tools in minutes


All the features you need to make
confident marketing decisions from better insights

One-click integrations

Seamlessly connect with your e-commerce platform and marketing tools and centralize your data all in one place, without writing a single line of code.

A customizable cockpit

Combine the metrics that matter most in one easy to use e-commerce cockpit, so you can start each workday with an up to date overview of your business.

Ready made insights

A unique collection of automatically generated insights for actionable insights into performance, segmentation and attribution.

Direct access to your data

Your data is stored in a dedicated Google BigQuery environment at no extra cost or hassle. Give access to consultants and techies on your team and reduce set-up time for innovation projects with 90%.
see Eyk in action

Ready to get started?

Get all your e-commerce metrics in one overview today.
Analyze Paid Performance insights